There's A Story Here

Liste des pistes

  1. When You Comin' Over
  2. Move – P Lucky Peterson; M: Floyd Charles Bonner
  3. There's a Story Here
  4. Put Your Foot Down – P et M: Eric Bibb
  5. Chicago Blues – P et M: Lonnie Johnson
  6. Can't Sit Still – P: Beatrice Markus; M: Michael Jerome Brown
  7. Black and Blue – P Andy Razaf, Harry Brooks; M: Thomas Waller
  8. Pretty Face, Pretty Lies – P et M: Jean-Denis Bélanger
  9. Angel from Montgomery – P et M: John Prine
  10. Alright, Okay You Win – P et M: Mayme Watts, Sidney Wyche
  11. She's Complicated
  12. Through the Blues – P et M: Dale Boyle
  13. I Love My Job – P et M: Vincent Beaulne, Bob Walsh

Paroles et Musiques: Alex McEalcheran, excepté lorsque indiqué.

Notes de production

  • Réalisation: Jean-Fernand Girard
  • Production: Jean-Fernand Girard, Disques Bros Records
  • Pochette et livret - Conception et réalisation graphique: Christian Morency; photos: Georges Dutil, Jean-Fernand Girard, Larry O'Malley